Home - Application method, medicinal uses, use prohibitions, cautions and side effects and storage of Galbanum

Application method, medicinal uses, use prohibitions, cautions and side effects and storage of Galbanum

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Edible and locally, as a herb in food industries like non-alcoholic drinks or meat products, odor and aromatic fixator in cosmetic industry, prohibitions include pregnancy and breast feeding mums

cautions of Galbanum

Application method

edible and locally


Today galbanum is most used as edible as a herb in food industries like non-alcoholic drinks or meat products, odor and aromatic fixator in cosmetic industry. Galbanum mixed with Asafoetida was traditionally used for nervous therapy.

Use frequency, amount and  use timing of edible galbanum gum

Crushed resin should be grinded to powder and a teaspoon added to 100ml ethanol 70% and leave for 48 hours. Then saf it and 10-12 drips in each eating time, maximum 2 times should be used with meal.

No prohibition is reported for gum.

Cautions: Pregnancy, breast feeding mums

Side effects of gum use: recommended dosages are not followed by danger, using too high dose; vomit and nausea

Storage: keep away from sunlight and humidity.

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