Barberry names
Barberry characteristics, scientific and international name.
Scientific name: Berberis vulgaris
English name: Barberry, Pipperidage, Berberry
Latin name: Berberis vulgaris
German name: Berberize, Gemeiner Sauerdorn.
French name: Vinaigrette, Epine-Vinette Vinettier, Pass-Vinaigre
Arabic name: Aghdeh, Anbar baris, Ood-o-rih
Barberry characteristics
It is shrub, 1.5-3 meters high; branches often upright, flowers are formed in dense clusters, yellow and 6cm long. Barberry fruits are fleshy and sour, bright red and 12mm long, leather skin, stigma completely stuck and with no pistil. Cultivated European species can be yellow, purple or dark blue.