Home - Migraine treatment with medicinal plants

Migraine treatment with medicinal plants

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Migraine treatment with medicinal plants

What is migraine?

Migraine treatment with medicinal plants: Migraine is a problem or disease with nervous source, which involves and struggles many people around the world.

This disease usually occurs in form of frequent headaches in a part of head along with signs that bother all aspects of a person life.

Migraine signs include:
  • Consciousness disorders
  • Speaking problems
  • Headache
  • Vertigo
  • Unclear vision
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Dipression
  • Neck ache
  • Eye pain
  • Fast heart beat
  • Petulancy
Which factors cause migraine?
  • Lack of vitamin B, riboflavin and Q10 co-enzyme
  • Genetics
Migraine treatment with medicinal plants

Medicinal plants have noticeable and important influence without any hazardous side effects in migraine pain relief.

This paper briefly discuss the most important medicinal plants for migraine treat.

1- Lavender

A shrub with 100-200 cm height, leaves 20-50 cm long, gray to green in color and flowers are dark violet.

Flowers are known as the medicinal part of lavender

This plant due to its constituents have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and leads to relaxation.

Lavender therapeutically and medicinal properties
  • Migraine headache remedy
  • Headache remedy
  • Diuretic and sudorific
  • Heart reinforce
  • Pesticide and anti-worm
  • Syphilis treatment
  • Blood sugar reduce
  • Diuretic
  • Anti-depression
  • Anti-stress
  • Blood circulation enhancer
  • Blood circulation reinforce
  • Digestion disorder regulator
Application method of oil for migraine:

Drip a few drops of oil on forehead and massage it rotively.

Maleki commercial is the biggest exporter of lavander essential oil in Iran. For main order you may call our advisors.

2- Lemon Balm ; a strong relaxtion

A herbaceous perennial plant, hairless, broad and opposite leaves, flower cup white or blue-purple and hairy in the outer surface.

It is native to Mediteranian regions and in Iran is cultivated in Mazandaran, West and East Azarbaijan, yazd and etc provinces.

Lemon Balm  contain tannin, geraniol, linalol, citronal, citral, sugar and etc. Which is known as a strong relaxtion.

The scientific name is Dracocephalum moldavica

Incredible properties of lemon Balm
  • Sever migraine remedy
  • Headache treat
  • Stress relaxation
  • Nervous tire treat
  • Menstruation disorders regulation
  • Natural relax
  • Heart, stomach and intestine reinforce
Application method for migraine:

Add a portion of leaves in 0.5 L boiling water and drink with honey after purifying.

Maleki commercial is the biggest exporter of lemon Balm in Iran and Asia. For main order, you may call our advisors.

3- Echium Amoenum (Persian Borage)

Migraine treatment with medicinal plants:A perennial plant, 20-80 cm height, soft and thin hairs, purple and violet flowers, achene fruits erect with hard and accumulate surface.

It is native to Iran.It contains mucilage, sodium, potassium, flavonoids and linoleic fatty acid.

Echium Amoenum (Persian borage) therapeutically and medicinal properties
  • Useful for migraine headaches
  • Relives headache
  • Heart and liver reinforce
  • Treats stress and depression
  • Regulates menstruation disorders
  • Good for pain relief and hysteria
  • Borage tea treats cold
Application method for migraine:

Add a portion of flowers to boiling water and drink after purification.

Maleki commercial is the biggest exporter of Echium Amoenum (Persian borage) in Iran and Asia. For main order, you may call our advisors.

4- Lemon balm

A herbaceous plant, 30-120 cm height with soft trichomes, flower calyx approximately 7 mm, opposite and ovate leaves and white flowers.

Dried leaves are known as the medicinal organ of lemon balm.

The scientific name is Melissa offiinalis L. That is usually mistaken with lemon grass and both are introduced as one plant. But they are two individual species completely different.

Lemon balm therapeutically and medicinal properties
  • Migraine pain relief
  • Headache relief
  • Stress treat
  • Nervous pain relief
  • Mental and physical tonic
  • Heart and brain reinforce
  • Menstruation regulation
  • Sleep regulation
  • Anti-spasm
  • Anti-pain and anti-bacterial
  • Anti-thyroid
  • Uterus tonic
  • Anti-fungi and anti-virus
  • Rheumatism pain relief
Application method for migraine:

Add a portion of leaves to 0.5 L boiling water and drink after 20 minutes and purifying.

Drink this herbal tea after mill.

5- Verbena

A perennial plant, 60-80 cm height, opposite ovate leaves with round edges, pink to purple flowers.

The scientific name is Verbena officinalis L.

This plant contains monoterpenes, cafeic acid derivatives and flavonoids.

Whole dry plant is the medicinal part.

Verbena therapeutically and medicinal properties
  • Migraine headache relief
  • Moderate relax
  • Nervous tonic
  • Anti-depression
  • Anti-rheumatism
  • Cough and throat ache relief
  • Insomnia remedy
  • Asthma remedy
  • Menstruation disorder regulation
  • Sex appetite enhancer
  • Milk enhancement in breast feeding mothers
Application method for migraine:

Add a portion of Verbena to boiling water and drink after purifying.

6- Valerian

A plant with relatively thick stems, full hairy, basal leaves 4-8 long and 3-8 cm wide, white to pink flowers.

The scientific name is Valeriana Jatamansii Johns.

It grows in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Kashmir.

Valerian do not grow in Iran and is imported to our country.

Dried roots are known as the medicinal organ.

Valerian therapeutically and medicinal properties
  • Migraine pain relief
  • Headache relief
  • Anti-purgative
  • Anti-hysteria
  • Stomach tonic
  • Hysteria remedy
  • Fast heart beat treat
  • Reduce menopause signs
  • Sleep regulation and relaxation
  • Nervous and act disorder treat
Application method for migraine:

Add 2 teaspoons of valerian root powder to 0.5 L boiling water and drink after 20 minutes and purifying.

Maximum daily does is 2 cups a day. For gaining more effective influences, it is better to use before night sleep.


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