Home - Wholesale (Bulk) Rosehip (Rose Hip)

Wholesale (Bulk) Rosehip (Rose Hip)

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Supplier ORganic Rosehip


Wholesale (Bulk) Rosehip (Rose Hip)

Rosehip (Rose Hip), also known as “wild pear,” is one of the unique and nutritious fruits abundantly found in the wilds of Iran. This fruit not only possesses numerous medicinal properties but also serves as a source of income for many local farmers and producers.

Due to its extensive applications in the cosmetic (production of skincare and beauty creams, facial oils, lip balms, and herbal soaps), pharmaceutical, and food industries, Rosehip (Rose Hip) has become one of the most in-demand plants in the medicinal herb trade.


Manufacturer, Supplier & Wholesaler Dried Rose Hips

Manufacturer, Supplier & Wholesaler Dried Rose Hips

The Maleki Commercial Group is a manufacturer, supplier, and wholesaler of dried Rosehip (dried Rose Hip). Every year, during the autumn and winter seasons, this fruit is harvested by local inhabitants from high altitudes. After drying, it is stored in standard packaging at appropriate temperatures. For bulk purchases of Rosehip (Rose Hip), please contact us.

Botanical characteristics

This plant, scientifically known as Rosa Canina L., belongs to the Rosaceae family and grows in mountainous and forested regions. It is a shrub with a height ranging from 1 to 3 m, featuring thorny stems and thin, alternating leaves. The leaves are dark green, dentate, compound, and consist of 5 to 7 leaflets. The flowers, highly fragrant, have five petals and come in white-pink and red colors.

Fruit characteristics

The fruit is delicate, measuring 1 to 3 cm in length, and is oval-round in shape, with a red-orange-yellow color.

The fruit peel is thin and soft, with a waxy coating. Over time, after harvesting, the fruit turns dark red, with a taste that evolves. Inside the fruit are small, hard seeds, and its flesh is soft and juicy.

Rosehip (Rose Hip) and its use in the cosmetic Industry

Rosehip (Rose Hip) enhances skin vitality and freshness, acting as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C. Due to its multiple properties, this plant is widely used in skincare and beauty product production. Luxurious brands use this plant in their cosmetic formulations.

The list of brands utilizing Rosehip (Rose Hip) in their products includes:

– Hair softening products by Kiehl

– Skin rejuvenating and repairing products by Irish brand Trilogy

– Rosehip (Rose Hip) oil for sensitive skin care, moisturizing creams, and anti-inflammatory products by Pai

– Day and night creams, brightening masks, and skin repair serums by Origins

– Skin repair serums, facial masks, and anti-aging creams using Rosehip (Rose Hip) oil by Clarins

Rosehip (Rose Hip) oil serum for treating dryness, eczema, and acne scars by Ordinary

– Repairing, anti-wrinkle, and skin rejuvenating serums using Rosehip (Rose Hip) oil by Neutrogena

Benefits of Rosehip (Rose Hip) Oil for the Skin

– Anti-inflammatory properties

– Collagen production stimulation

– Skin rejuvenation

– Reduction of skin inflammation and redness

– Alleviation of dryness

– Skin softening

– Delayed skin aging process

– Treatment of acne and eczema

– Care for sensitive and damaged skin


Bulk Whole Rosehips

Bulk Whole Rosehips

Medicinal and therapeutic benefits of Rosehip (Rose Hip)

– Control and reduction of blood sugar levels

– Blood pressure reduction

– Stress and anxiety relief

– Treatment of digestive issues

– Improvement of cardiovascular health

Supplements produced using Rosehip (Rose Hip)

The supplements that incorporate Rosehip (Rose Hip) in their production include:

– Vitamin C Tablet from the brand Elsirose

– Vitamin C 1000 from Now Foods (boosts the immune system, increases fat burning, enhances collagen production for the skin, aids iron absorption, strengthens the heart, regulates blood pressure, and prevents diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart conditions)

– Rosehip Extract from Herb Pharm (an antioxidant supplement for strengthening the immune system)

Balance Hormone Support supplement for hormone balance and improved immune health from Nutra Blast

– Antioxidant immune system booster supplement from Herb Pharm

-Vitamin C supplement of Code Raw Vitamin C Capsules from  Garden Of Life

– Vitamin C 1000 supplement from Solgar


Rosehip (Rose Hip) tea

Rosehip (Rose Hip) tea, rich in fiber, and vitamins B, C, and E, has the following properties:

Powerful antioxidant: It helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, delays the aging process, and promotes skin vitality and youthfulness.

Weight control: The presence of tiliroside in this plant boosts metabolism, aiding in weight control and reduction.

Digestive health: The natural fiber in this plant helps digestion and treats issues such as bloating and constipation.

Skin treatment: It helps treat acne, sunburns, dry skin, and post-surgery scars.

Improved sleep quality: It relieves stress and anxiety, contributing to better sleep.

Immune system booster: Strengthens the body’s immune response.


Usage instructions

Place 30 to 50 g of  Rosehip (Rose Hip) in 0.5 L of boiling water, let it steep for 30 minutes, strain, and then enjoy the tea.


Wholesale ( Bulk ) Dried Rose Hip

Wholesale ( Bulk ) Dried Rose Hip

Supplier, wholesaler, and exporter of Rosehip (Rose Hip)

Consumption patterns in the cosmetic, food, and pharmaceutical industries have transformed in recent years. There is an increasing trend toward using natural ingredients derived from nature.

This plant, resistant to climatic changes, grows in cold-temperate and semi-temperate regions and is highly demanded due to its various forms of processing in the medicinal plant trade. Countries like Iran, Turkey, and Romania are major  producers and exporters of this fruit, while Germany, Italy, South Korea, France, and the United States are their main importers.

These countries manufacture pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, extracts, and oils from this plant and export them worldwide. The market for Rosehip (Rose Hip) has significant financial turnover, with predictions estimating the market value to reach $261 million by 2024 and over $443.9 million by 2033.

The Maleki Commercial group is one of the largest suppliers of dried Rosehip (dried Rose Hip) in Iran and is ready to export this product year-round to various countries, ensuring quality. For bulk purchases within and outside of Iran, feel free to contact us.


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