Home - Wholesale of organic Cumin Seeds

Wholesale of organic Cumin Seeds

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Manufacturer And Suppliers Organic Whole Cumin Seeds

Producer, supplier, and wholesaler Cumin Seeds

We are Supplier And Wholesale Cumin Seeds ,We can send cumin Seeds to anywhere in the world ( Asia, Europe, America, Africa, Australia) according to your request with Incoterms Exw, CIF, CFR , FCA , ….

Cumin (Cumminum Cyminum L.) is one of the oldest known medicinal plants in the world. Due to its adaptability to environmental conditions and short growing seasons, its cultivation is economically viable and promotes employment.

Approximately 5000 years before Christ, Egyptians used this aromatic plant for mummifying bodies. Ancient papyrus texts also reference cumin seed as a remedy for convulsions, constipation, and pain relief.

The ancient Greeks considered cumin seed a symbol of greed and utilized it in traditional medicine to treat various ailments.

Due to its wide range of applications in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and perfumery industries, cumin seed is a valuable export commodity. It is prominently featured in the medicinal plant markets, with significant import statistics from Iran to other countries.

Cumin seed is widely used in the production of various spices, especially curry powder, and is essential for flavoring a variety of Asian dishes, pickles, traditional breads, and curry sauces.

Cumin seed names

– Family: Apiaceae

– Scientific Name: Cumminum Cyminum L.

– English Name: Cumin

– Medicinal Part: Seed (fruit, grain)

Manufacturer, Supplier & Wholesaler Best Quality Cumin Seeds

Botanical description

Cumin seed is an annual herb from the Apiaceae family, growing to a height of 15 to 30 cm. The plant features thread-like segments, with or without trifid segments.

The main root is 2 to 4 mm thick. The stem is branched, typically in pairs, rarely in triplets.

Leaves are arranged in groups of five to six, with thread-like trifid segments, lacking incisions. Umbel rays are grouped in threes to sixes, 5 to 10 mm long. Bracts are linear-long with white edges. The leaves are transparent, hairless, thread-like, and lack stipules. The inflorescence is a compound umbel, with bracts and bracteoles present at the base of the peduncles and umbellets, indicating an indeterminate inflorescence and growth pattern.

Flowers are regular, occasionally irregular, and predominantly pentamerous and bisexual or unisexual

The plant is rarely dioecious. Stamens alternate with petals and are positioned on nectariferous discs.

There are five stamens, and the ovary is bicarpellate, producing a schizocarp fruit that splits into two adherent seeds.

The seeds (fruits) are 5 to 6 mm long with the largest diameter of 1.2 to 2 mm, rectangular, covered with rough, hair-like spines.

Seed color varies depending on the plant variety, ranging from yellow to brown and green. Seed color darkens with age. The surface of the seeds features deep grooves, with each seed having six grooves. The walls of these grooves form two parallel rows extending from the tip of the seed to its base. The pericarp is thin and thickens at the groove walls.

Geographical distribution

Global distribution

Cumin seed is cultivated in various countries around the world, including Iran, India, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Morocco, Ethiopia, Greece, Cyprus, China, Turkey, and Indonesia.

Distribution in Iran

In Iran, cumin seeds are grown in the provinces of Mashhad, Sabzevar, Semnan, Kashmar, Semnan, Isfahan, Qazvin, and Bushehr.

Manufacturer And Suppliers Organic Whole Cumin Seeds

Manufacturer And Suppliers Organic Whole Cumin Seeds

Ecology of Cumin Seed Cultivation

– This plant thrives in tropical climates and does not reach seed production in cold regions.

– The optimal temperature for its growth is 20°C. If the temperature remains moderate during the growing period, the yield will increase.

– Cumin seed grows well in sandy loam soils with good drainage and high organic matter (calcareous soils).

– The suitable soil pH for cumin seeds cultivation ranges from 4.5 to 8.3.

– The germination rate of cumin seeds peaks at 5°C, and the seedlings’ growth rate maximized at 20°C.

– Cumin seeds are sensitive to environmental changes, and their yield decreases every three to four years.

– Adequate sunlight is essential throughout its growth period. Plants grown in well-lit areas produce higher levels of essential oils and active compounds.

– Avoid rotating cumin seeds with plants from the parsley family, as they share similar fungal diseases. Cumin seed is highly susceptible to fungal infections.

– Do not plant cumin seed in fields where it was grown the previous year.

– When plants reach 5 cm in height, weed them to prevent the spread of pests and diseases. Weeding should be done two to three times during the growth period.

– The plant requires less moisture during the flowering and fruit-setting stages.

– Approximately 500 to 1800 kg per hectare of seeds can be harvested, depending on cultivation methods, region, fertilization, and care.

Cumin seeds cultivation

Cumin seeds are sown in autumn through direct seeding after leveling the ground and preparing the soil. It can be cultivated under both irrigated and rain-fed conditions.

Organic Cumin Seed Exporter

Organic Cumin Seed Exporter


Irrigated cultivation of Cumin Seeds

Irrigated cultivation can be conducted using two methods: plot and furrow. For plot cultivation, the following steps are followed:

– Prepare the seedbed in early autumn by adding animal manure and plowing the field to remove heavy clods and stones. The seedbed should be soft and free of clods and hard stones to ensure better germination. Once the seedbed is ready, proceed with sowing the seeds.

In this method, light discs or cultivators are used to incorporate seeds and fertilizers into the soil.

For furrow cultivation, after preparing the field, fertilizers and seeds are distributed using a centrifugal spreader. Then, a light disc is used to cover the seeds and fertilizer with soil, and furrows 40 to 50 cm wide are created with a furrower.

Applying 15 to 20 tons of animal manure per hectare significantly enhances the yield and quality of the crop. In less fertile soils, chemical fertilizers such as phosphorus or potassium can be used. In irrigated cultivation, 15 to 50 kg per hectare of urea fertilizer is added during plant establishment and watering in March, enriching the soil.

Rain-fed cultivation

Rain-fed cultivation relies on rainfall for the water needed for crop growth. The yield of rain-fed crops directly depends on annual rainfall patterns, with production varying according to the amount of rainfall.

This type of agriculture reduces dependency on water resources, conserves water, and minimizes environmental impact.

Rain-fed crops typically contain higher active ingredients than irrigated ones due to the natural absorption of minerals from soil and rainwater. Considering climatic changes, drought-resistant plants are increasingly cultivated. Hence, cumin seed is a prime example due to its resistance to dry, cold climates and limited water supply. Accordingly, this plant holds a special place in rain-fed cultivation patterns.

Steps for rain-fed Cumin Seed cultivation

– First, use specialized machinery and equipment for rain-fed cultivation to prepare the soil.

– Perform shallow plowing of the land, followed by disking; then, sow seeds by broadcasting or with a row planter. Row planters distribute seeds evenly in specified rows and depths, ensuring equal seed distribution. Subsequently, use a leveler to smooth the land. (A leveler consists of a network of wooden or metal parts used to level the soil surface, with adjustable blades relative to the soil).

– In sloped fields, plowing should be perpendicular to the slope. During the fallow period, focus on moisture retention and weed control to prepare the land for the next planting season.

(The following involves leaving the land uncultivated for a specific period to restore soil health. This practice improves soil structure, controls weeds, conserves soil nutrients, enhances crop yield and quality, and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers).

During the fallow year, after spring rains, it is essential to control weeds and break soil crusts using appropriate machinery. This practice helps retain soil moisture and reduce weed growth.

Before sowing cumin seeds, soak them in domestic water for 24 to 36 hours to enhance their germination capacity.

Additionally, disinfect the seeds with fungicides such as Mancozeb, Vitavax, or Carboxin at a concentration of 1.5 per thousand.

– Row planter method: Use 8 to 10 kg of seeds per hectare.

– Manual broadcasting method: Use 10 to 15 kg of seeds per hectare.


Cumin seeds are drought-resistant, but over-irrigation can decrease both the yield and quality of the crop and lead to diseases.

Ensure the soil is not dry during germination. If there is no rainfall during plant establishment and the onset of flowering, irrigation is necessary.

Note that irrigation should be avoided during the flowering and fruit-setting stages to prevent reduced yield and quality.


The amount of fertilizer depends on soil fertility, annual rainfall, type of cultivation (rain-fed or irrigated), and soil texture. Less fertilizer is required in rain-fed cultivation. Fields previously planted with barley, wheat, vegetables, or legumes do not need additional fertilization as the soil already contains sufficient nutrients for the cumin seeds crop.

Harvesting rain-fed cumin seed

The manual harvesting begins in early May and continues until late June. Harvested plants are dried in the sun, and then threshed to separate seeds from the plants. Sorting is done using laser machines or sieves.

Note: Rain-fed cumin seeds are harvested about a week earlier than irrigated cumin seeds. Furthermore, avoid over-drying cumin seeds in the sun.

Pests and diseases

– Thrips

– Aphids

– Slugs and snails

– Mites

– Agrotis (cutworms)

– Fusarium wilt

– Powdery mildew

– Cumin seeds blight

Industries utilizing Cumin Seeds


Cumin seeds play a significant role in the perfumery industry

Fragrance notes of Cumin Seeds

Fragrances are composed of different layers of scents called notes. These notes combine to form the overall fragrance of perfumes and colognes.


The Top Note or Fragrance Top Notes

These are the upper layers of perfume, which are initially perceived immediately after applying a fragrance. These compounds last between 5 to 15 minutes.

The top notes consist of small, lightweight molecules that evaporate rapidly, crucially influencing the initial impression a person forms of the perfume.

The Middle Note or Fragrance Middle Notes

These notes form the core of the fragrance and protect the top notes.

Middle notes represent about 70% of the total scent, which lasts for a long time. Accordingly, they emerge 15 to 45 minutes after application and last for 40 to 50 minutes.

Base notes or fragrance base note

– Base notes form the foundation of a fragrance, upon which the entire scent is built.

These notes provide depth and strength to the perfume, becoming perceptible approximately 50 minutes after application. The longevity of base notes ranges from 6 to 24 hours.

Cumin Seed note in fragrance

The cumin seed note, with its spicy and bitter aroma, adds a unique character to perfumes. It blends complexity and mystery, enhancing the overall fragrance. The cumin seed note imparts strength and personality to other notes, creating an oriental fragrance reminiscent of Far Eastern scents.

Eastern perfumes are characterized by strong and intense aromas reminiscent of the spice markets in Iran, China, and India. When you spray on an oriental perfume, you feel transported to these markets as it evokes memories of exotic spices and unique blends.

The scent of these perfumes is both sharp and sweet, utilizing ingredients such as oud, sandalwood, herbal plants, vanilla, rose, and jasmine.

Cumin seeds are one of the Eastern fragrances blended with herbs like dill, cardamom, myrrh, and woody notes.

This fragrance exudes a special, luxurious aroma that appeals primarily to customers in Eastern countries and Arabic-speaking millionaires.

The cumin seeds note, extracted from the essential oil of cumin seeds, evokes a rich fragrance reminiscent of the Eastern sun.

Fragrances featuring Cumin Seed note

– Parfums De Marly Pegasus

– Salvatore Ferragamo Uomo Salvatore Ferragamo Urban Feel

– Navid Mohammadzadeh

– Masque Tango

– Tiziana Terenzi Maremma

– Amouage Epic 56 Woman

– Marc Antoine Barrois B683 Extrait


Food Industry

Cumin seeds are extensively used in the food industry for their aromatic and flavoring properties. They are integral to the preparation of traditional sweets, breads, various spices, Eastern and Mexican cuisines, herbal drinks, flavored oils, and for seasoning rice, yogurt (kashk), and various other dishes.

Pharmaceutical industry

Cumin seeds and their derivatives are utilized in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of various herbal and chemical medicines. Some of the products containing cumin seeds include:

– Dr. Zarghani’s Cumin seed extract

– Barij essence Cumin Seeds oral drop

– Barij essence Cumin Seeds tablets

– Barij essence Cumin Seeds capsules

– Kamy V vegan solution by Kasra Nasr Pars

– Dr. Wakde’s Cumin Seeds capsules

– Persosell UG Vegan Kapseln

– Prominta digest plus capsules

Cumin Seeds tea

Cumin seeds tea is a popular herbal drink with significant therapeutic benefits, especially in Asian countries.

Preparation of Cumin Seeds tea

Add 5 g of cumin seeds to 1 L of boiling water. After brewing, strain and drink it.

Properties of Cumin Seeds tea


– Galactagogue

– Appetite stimulant

– Anti-flatulent

– Anthelmintic

– Antitoxic



– Antitumor

– Antiseptic


– Menstrual regulator

– Insomnia treatment

Weight loss aid

– Anti-wrinkle

Medicinal and therapeutic properties of Cumin Seeds

– Enhances sexual power

– Stomach tonic

– Uterine tonic

Treats vaginal discharge

– Treats diarrhea and vomiting

– Treats indigestion

– Relieves toothache

– Treats eye ulcers

– Aids digestion

– Treats intestinal parasites

– Treats bronchitis

– Eases stomach gas

Warning: Pregnant women must avoid consumption as it may cause miscarriage.

– Warning: It should not be consumed continuously. It is recommended to have a two-week break after a seven-day course of use.

Dosage, quantity, and timing of consumption

Cumin seeds are available in various forms such as capsules, powder, tablets, drops, tea, and other galenical preparations.

Preparation of Cumin Seeds tea: Infuse two teaspoons of crushed or powdered dried cumin seeds in 200 mL of boiling water. After 10 minutes, strain the solution. Drink one cup daily with meals.

Essential Oil: Add 2 to 3 drops of this plant’s essential oil to other liquids and consume 5 to 6 drops daily. (For gargling, add 5 drops to warm water).

Cumin Seeds Essential Oil:

Cumin seeds essential oil is obtained by distilling the seeds (fruits) of cumin seeds with water and boiling them in steam boilers.

Color of the Essential Oil: This essential oil is colorless, but it turns yellow and then brown over time.

Chemical components of Cumin Seeds Essential Oil:

– Propanol

– Benzene Methanol

– Phenyl Bethanol

– Alpha-Pinene

– Linalool

– Alpha-Terpineol

– Limonene

– Cymene

– Phellandrene

– Cuminic Alcohol


Note: The aroma of cumin seeds is attributed to an aldehyde called cuminol.

Applications of Cumin Seeds Essential Oil:

– Production of herbal beverages

– Production of herbal toothpaste

– Production of herbal syrups

– Production of slimming tablets

– Production of medicinal syrups for stomach bloating relief

 Manufacturer (Producer), Supplier, And Wholesaler Cumin Seeds:

Maleki Commercial cultivates cumin seeds in the counties of Kashmar and Sabzevar, producing a significant portion of Iran’s export cumin seeds under the supervision of experienced specialists. The cumin seeds produced by our company are pure and free from impurities. By purchasing from our company, you receive a quality guarantee and after-sales service. For bulk purchases, contact our experts via email and WhatsApp.

Bulk Organic Cumin Seeds Whole

Supplier Cumin Seeds

Maleki Commercial supplies various grades of cumin seeds, including export, high-quality, and good-quality grades. No matter where you are in the world, you will receive the guaranteed quality cumin seeds at your desired destination as quickly as possible.

Bulk Cumin Seeds

Maleki Commercial offers sorted cumin seeds in bulk, packaged in various sizes, using sieving machines. We are ready to collaborate with all pharmaceutical companies, export companies, wholesalers, and herbal shops to provide the best quality Iranian cumin seeds. Our motto is your satisfaction.

Price Cumin Seeds

If you require a high-quality, pure, healthy product free from harmful pesticides and competitive on a global scale, you will experience an easy and highly satisfactory purchase with Maleki Commercial. The price of this herb is highly competitive compared to other companies, considering its superior quality. Our goal is to retain loyal customers, expand our product offerings on global sales platforms, and increase our market share worldwide.

Export Organic Cumin Seeds

Our decade-long experience in the medicinal plant trade and exporting to countries such as Turkey, Germany, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, China, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States attests to the quality and customer-centric approach of our organization.

At Maleki Commercial, we have a high annual supply capacity for cumin seeds and can provide this herb in large quantities throughout the year. Exporting companies can also sign annual supply contracts with us, guaranteeing product quality.

Producer (Manufacturer), Supplier, And Wholesaler Cumin Seeds Essential Oil

Wholesale Pure And Organic Cumin Seed Essential Oil

Wholesale Pure And Organic Cumin Seed Essential Oil

Maleki Commercial produces various pure, natural essential oils using the latest advanced machinery. For purchasing pure plant essential oils, please contact us via WhatsApp or email.

Our team of specialists at Maleki Commercial produces a variety of pure plant-based essential oils. The extraction method for each plant varies depending on its type and form, active ingredients, and desired purity level.

Contact us to purchase various pure essential oils.

Price Cumin Seeds Essential Oil

The price of essential oils depends on the active ingredients and purity levels. As the amount of purity and active ingredients increases, so does the price. Our produced essential oils are of the best pure export grade, and the prices are competitive considering their quality.

If you need to purchase cumin seeds essential oil with highly active ingredients at a competitive price, Maleki Commercial offers a convenient and reliable purchasing experience.

Wholesale Pure And Organic Cumin Seed Essential Oil

Wholesale Pure And Organic Cumin Seed Essential Oil


 Bulk Wholesale Cumin Seeds Essential Oil

Essential oils are aromatic compounds found in the medicinal parts of plants. Due to their volatility when exposed to air at normal temperatures, they are referred to as volatile oils or essential oils. If you would like to buy wholesale pure cumin seeds oil that is both oil and water-soluble, please contact us.

Export Cumin Seeds Essential Oil

Maleki Commercial produces and exports various pure plant-based essential oils to European, Asian, and American countries.

Our ten years of experience in exporting cumin seeds essential oil to countries such as Kuwait, Qatar, Russia, Australia, India, Bangladesh, and Germany is a testament to the quality of our products.

  • Wholesale organic Cumin Seeds
  • Producer, supplier, and wholesale distributor Cumin Seeds
  • Cumin Seed cultivation
  • Wholesale Cumin Seed
  • Wholesale Distributor Cumin Seed Essential Oil
  • Export Cumin Seeds Essential Oil
  • Supplier Cumin Seeds Essential Oil
  • Price Cumin Seeds Essential Oil

Wholesale Cumin Seeds

Wholesale Cumin Seeds ( Bulk Cumin Seeds ) In Maleki Commercial, We are Supplier And Wholesaler Organic whole Cumin Seeds ,We can send cumin Seeds to anywhere in the world ( Asia, Europe, America, Africa, Australia) according to your request with Incoterms Exw, CIF, CFR , FCA , ….

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